Giving Customers Complete Data Freedom through Snowflake Data Exchange

Picture of Alex Li
Alex Li
Founder / CEO
Kubit Joins Snowflake's Data Exchange

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We’re incredibly excited to announce that we have joined Snowflake Data Exchange. The partnership will allow all Kubit customers to use SQL to access their raw event data securely and in real-time through Snowflake’s virtual data warehouse. We can now give our customers complete data freedom.

Kubit’s Intelligent Product Analytics helps product people get clear, fast answers about user engagement and retention. We collect, process, and store event data in our multi-tenant data warehouse, which is beyond the reach of our customers due to security and scalability concerns. Such limitations force the customers of SaaS analytics vendors to build complicated data infrastructure. That infrastructure often has to store duplicate copies of the data set, which gives rise to multiple sources of truth. In other words, analytics answers are difficult to come by traditionally.

Why Snowflake?

Snowflake is a cloud data platform that uses a highly scalable virtual data warehouse that is fast, easy, and cost-effective. Snowflake employs ANSI SQL and separates storage from computation to achieve a flexible and efficient on-demand pricing model.

Snowflake Data Exchange allows vendors on the platform to share data publicly or privately. The process is seamless and secure. Kubit customers can access their own raw event data in real-time through SQL interfaces, and they only pay based on their usage. Batch jobs or data integration aren’t required. Any new data entering Kubit will become available immediately, giving customers the ultimate security control.

This integration means that Kubit is no longer running a parallel, third-party data pipeline outside of our customers’ organizations. Instead, we’re now a core part of their data infrastructure. It also means that our customers aren’t bound to Kubit’s services. Not only can developers troubleshoot data issues with real-time data, but data scientists can also now build recommendation systems and machine learning models using the same raw data that powers the analytics. It’s the ultimate Single Source of Truth.

A Bright Future

By joining the Snowflake Data Exchange, we’re adding value propositions to our services and solidifying an already successful partnership. This integration allows Kubit to provide Intelligent Product Analytics to more people who want complete data freedom and fast and easy insights about their products.

Alex Li
Founder / CEO

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