New Feature: Cohort

New Kubit feature of creating cohorts of users

Alex Li

Alex Li

Founder / CEO

4 minutes

March 31, 2022

When a group of users are like-minded and do a certain similar behaviour it could be because they have something in common. What they have in common, their behavior,  interests or how they act; can all be variables in the explanation of how a group of users do what they do.

Usually grouping a set of users is really hard to do since there are so many variables and users are humans who can grow or change over time. Some might equate this to herding cats but that could be just a factor of not having the ability to do so.

In analytics, cohort means a group of users all fitting a certain set of criteria. The most frequently used cohort is by the install date. For example all the users in the same install date cohort January 1, 2020 means they all installed the app on that date. Other popular cohorts can be but not limited to: first time users, power users, users who didn’t complete onboarding, or even new frequent singers.

Here are some even more popular cohorts:

  • Paid vs Organic users (based on acquisition source)
  • New (installed < 7 days) vs Old (installed > 7 days) users
  • Frequent User (more than 10 sessions in past 48 hours)

Now Kubit makes it easy and straightforward to define cohorts by choosing various filters and conditions with nothing more than a few button clicks. This powerful new tool will allow your team to take the next step in analyzing every group of users that comes into your app or website.

Once you define a cohort of users, in Kubit you can take these cohorts across our world class Self-Service Analytics tools. So that means you can leverage Query, Funnel, Path, Retention and Prediction just to name a few. Just to highlight potential use cases: Query any comparison of cohorts, see how a cohort converts in a Funnel, view how a cohort’s Path migrates through an application, or you can compare the Retention of different cohorts.

For example, here is US DAU breaking down by two cohorts: New Users vs Frequent Singers.

Think about how your team can now start to leverage a No-Code, Self-Service platform and get instant product insights.

Check out Cohorts here.

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